Skills Development Project Jammu Kashmir 2021

Project Report: Skills Development Project in Jammu and Kashmir 2021


Project Title: Skills Development Project Jammu and Kashmir 2021

Location: Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir

Duration: 2021

Target Group: 100 Students from Government and Municipal Schools and Colleges


Executive Summary

Globalize Skills Foundation NGO (GSF NGO) launched the Skills Development Project in Jammu and Kashmir in 2021. The project aimed at providing career counselling and mentoring support to 100 bright students studying in high schools and institutions in Kashmir. This initiative was part of GSF NGO’s flagship program to empower underprivileged students with the necessary skills and guidance for their future careers.


  1. Career Guidance: Offer personalized career counselling to help students identify their strengths and potential career paths.
  2. Mentoring Support: Provide continuous mentoring to ensure students receive guidance and support throughout their educational journey.
  3. Skill Development: Equip students with essential skills to enhance their academic performance and future employability.

Program Overview

Counselling and Mentoring

The program included the following components:

  1. Career Counselling Sessions:
    • One-on-one counselling sessions to understand each student’s aspirations and strengths.
    • Group workshops to discuss various career options and educational pathways.
  2. Mentoring Program:
    • Assignment of mentors to provide ongoing support and guidance.
    • Regular check-ins to monitor progress and address any challenges faced by the students.
  3. Skill Development Workshops:
    • Workshops on time management, study techniques, and exam preparation.
    • Sessions on soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Support Services

  • Resource Materials: Provision of study materials, career guides, and other educational resources.
  • Follow-up Sessions: Periodic follow-ups to track the progress of the students and provide additional support as needed.

Impact and Outcomes

Student Participation

  • Total Enrolled: 100 students
  • Attendance Rate: 98%
  • Completion Rate: 95%

Career Guidance and Mentoring

  • Students gained a clearer understanding of their career goals and the steps needed to achieve them.
  • Improved academic performance and increased motivation among students.
  • Enhanced confidence and readiness to pursue higher education and career opportunities.

Skills Development

  • Students reported significant improvement in their study habits and time management skills.
  • Enhanced soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.


Student Feedback

  • “The counselling sessions helped me understand my strengths and choose a career path that suits me.” – Aisha Khan, Student
  • “The mentoring support was invaluable. I feel more confident and prepared for my future.” – Rajesh Singh, Student

Mentor Feedback

  • “It was rewarding to see the students grow and achieve their goals. The program made a significant impact on their lives.” – Priya Sharma, Mentor

Expense Breakdown

1. Counselling and Mentoring Materials

  • Resource Materials:
    • Cost per student: ₹200
    • Total cost: ₹200 x 100 = ₹20,000

2. Workshops and Sessions

  • Career Counselling Sessions:
    • Total cost: ₹50,000
  • Skill Development Workshops:
    • Total cost: ₹50,000

3. Staff Salaries

  • Counsellors and Mentors (4 counsellors/mentors, ₹10,000 each per month):
    • Total cost: ₹10,000 x 4 = ₹40,000

4. Infrastructure and Utilities

  • Venue Rental:
    • Total cost: ₹20,000
  • Utilities (Electricity, Water, Internet):
    • Total cost: ₹10,000

5. Miscellaneous Expenses

  • Stationery and Office Supplies:
    • Total cost: ₹5,000
  • Transportation for Students (Field Trips, Industry Visits):
    • Total cost: ₹5,000

Total Expense Summary

Expense Category

Cost (₹)

Counselling and Mentoring Materials


Workshops and Sessions


Staff Salaries


Infrastructure and Utilities


Miscellaneous Expenses





The Skills Development Project in Jammu and Kashmir, executed by Globalize Skills Foundation NGO in 2021, was a successful initiative aimed at empowering 100 students through career counselling and mentoring support. The project provided essential guidance and skills development, significantly impacting the students’ academic performance and future career prospects. The initiative underscores GSF NGO’s commitment to supporting underprivileged students and contributing to their overall growth and development.


GSF NGO, supported with counselling & mentoring support to 100 children studying in Government schools / Municipal schools in Kashmir. Under this programme, GSF NGO provided career counselling and mentoring to 100 bright students studying in high schools and institutions of Kashmir its flagship programme.#skilldevelopmenttraining#Kashmir#SupportKashmir#gsfngo

The interactive sessions, hands-on projects, and personalized feedback given by the experts of GSF NGO, helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the subject and gave me the confidence to apply what I learned in real-life scenarios. The supportive and inclusive community of classmates and instructors created a truly collaborative learning experience that I will never forget.

Aarav Bhatia

"I am incredibly grateful to the Globalize Skills Foundation for providing me with the opportunity to further my skills and knowledge. Their free skill development course was truly life-changing and has helped me to grow both personally and professionally. The course was comprehensive, well-structured, and taught by experts in the field who were always willing to go the extra mile to help us succeed."

Priya Manoj Tiwari

The new age digital aspect of Marketing has made it more accountable & respectable. Hence I wanted to gain in-depth knowledge of this domain. Globalize Skills Foundation has helped me understand the nuances of Digital Marketing.

Akshay Kumar

I am very happy to finish my course of Content creation & E-Commerce from GSF. It was a very nice experience. I got to learn many new things, whatever I learned from here I implement that in my workplace. The trainers were really good.

Varun Shetty

GSF made Web wonders & Multimedia coursework so easy for me that now I can work on projects by my own. I have gained in-depth knowledge in WordPress concepts. Thank you GSF keep up the good work.

Karthik Dev